20140930 – Couch


The Mammal Engine piece isn’t 100% necessary today but try to hit it. This is one you can do at home or right when you wake up. Yea, I know, it’s going to suck but, well, fuck it! Try to do this in the AM but if you can’t, you can’t. No sweat. That said, your Mammality will be in question if you just skip it period…

This week is going to kick everyone’s ass. It is of VITAL importance. That you eat and sleep well this week and maximize your days off. If you eat like shit, you’re going to be inflamed as hell and not be able to finish the week out. On the other side of the coin, if you don’t eat enough (I don’t care how much at a time or what time of day), you’re not going to make it through the week. But if you’re living that life, error on the side of more bad stuff than less good stuff. EAT LIKE A CHAMP. Next, SLEEP! If you’re not getting at least 7 hours of sleep, you’re wrong. I’m telling you this because if you hit every single piece of the programming like you’re supposed to, you’re going to be broken off. Period. We’re trying to minimize that. If you’re only doing 1-2 of the pieces, you’ll probably be fine. That doesn’t mean you cannot benefit from eating and sleeping the right way. If you do this right, I can guarantee you in 2 weeks from today, you WILL see gains. (if you know me, you know I love the 2 week post workout performance rule). In summary, Eat like a champ, sleep your ass off, and in 2 weeks you’ll feel the gainz!

Mammal Engine

Air Force PT Test:
1min AMRAP Pushups
-Rest 2min-
1min AMRAP Situps
-Rest 2min-
1.5mi run for time

Mammal Training

4,3,2,1 Bench

Mako Peak Training

A.) 5 sets of following complex @ 80%:
Behind the Neck jerk + Push jerk + split jerk  @ 80%..reps 2&3 are from the front.. you can drop and reset it here

B.) 3×3 Deadlift Cluster; 83%; rest 15 sec between reps., rest 2 minutes after each set  *after each set do 3 high depth jumps

C.) 4×4 Snatch Lift Off @ 90%


5 rounds – 80% effort – switch order each time here
10 Air Bike calories (Row if no AirDyne/Bike)
10 DL @ 245/165
10 up and over box jumps, 30/24
10 strict HSPU(pick a number to UB)
10 T2B
2 legless rope climbs

*rest 4 minutes between rounds

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